A Vibrant Jewish Life Through Service

Photo of Rebecca Hurowitz (she/her)
When Rebecca Hurowitz (she/her) was asked to join Repair the World Pittsburgh’s Local Advisory Council in 2018, she quickly recognized that this would give her an opportunity to commit to service through a Jewish lens in a way she hadn’t before. “Being Jewish is a significant piece to my identity and joining Repair the World as a council member was a way I could put my Jewish values of strengthening my community into practice.”
In her service as a council member, Rebecca has also successfully passed on her Jewish values to her children. “My older daughter, Hannah, joined the Repair the World Peer Corps program here in Pittsburgh when she was 13 years old. It was a completely new experience for her. I was able to view through her eyes how valuable service is to the growth of young people, especially in their formative years but also for my growth as a parent. Knowing that this was also happening through a Jewish lens made the experience special.” Rebecca’s younger daughter is now also a peer corps member.
For Rebecca, serving in this capacity now only has allowed her to do meaningful work but has allowed her to amplify a vibrant Jewish life for others in her community. “I’ve had the opportunity to meet with and work with the fellows and witnessing them transitioning into professional careers in nonprofits here in Pittsburgh has been rewarding. Knowing that these are the next leaders in our community means a lot to me.”
Rebecca shared how the role of service shifted in her life and what she’s learned about service.
For me and my family, service is not something that you do once. It’s something that we work to infuse into our lives regularly. What I’ve learned since joining the advisory council is that service is also a partnership. My life has become fulfilled by my experience of giving back to my community.
Becca Hurowitz is the President & CEO of Vibe Israel USA, an organization that works with the North American Jewish community to share Israel’s story with the world. Our mission is to energize and inspire young people around the world about Israel by harnessing the power of social media, branding and marketing.
Becca has more than 15 years of experience in fundraising, marketing and missions in the North American Jewish community. She is a skilled fundraiser and community builder and has led missions to Israel, Argentina, Cuba, Prague, Budapest, Morocco and more. Becca has been a passionate Israel supporter since her first trip with BBYO in high school.
Becca is a Wexner Heritage Program alumnus and received the Ira and Nanette Gordon Professional Achievement Award in 2019. She is an active leader with Repair the World, National Council for Jewish Women, Emma Kaufmann Camp and the JCC of Greater Pittsburgh, and Kesher Pittsburgh. Becca lives in the Regent Square neighborhood of Pittsburgh with her husband and 3 children, who attend an environmentally-focused charter school and are second generation JCC overnight campers. She and her family can be found hiking in Frick Park, going to concerts or hosting neighborhood parties.