Repair the World’s Gratitude Month: Friends, Family, & Mentors
Here at Repair the World November is Gratitude Month – a month dedicated to giving thanks for everything we are grateful for. It is also the first month of the Repair the World Fellowship program.
We will be introducing you to our whole team of fellows – awesome people serving and working in cities across the country – soon. In the meantime, we reached out to them to ask: what are you grateful for? Their answers, which we will share throughout the month, might just inspire you.
Today’s Repair the World’s Fellows are grateful for: FRIENDS, FAMILY, & MENTORS
Community Fellow: Lindsay McCord
Location: Pittsburgh
Working/Serving: with JF&CS (Jewish Family & Children Service) to create an urban garden to provide produce for a local food pantry. Also working with a local mentorship organization called Higher Achievement.
In Lindsay’s words: “I am grateful for the mentors and opportunities I have had in my life. Without this support I would not be where I am today as a college graduate. Higher Achievement realizes that talent is everywhere but opportunity is not. This organization strives to provide middle school youth with the educational opportunities to achieve academic success. With the help of caring mentors and an academically rigorous program, Higher Achievement scholars have a high success rate.”
Community Fellow: Binah Malka Stinnet
Location: Philadelphia
Working/Serving: with JF&CS (Jewish Family & Children Service) special needs program. She hopes to reach out to Jewish and non-Jewish organizations to create meaningful and long lasting civic engagement opportunities for people with and without special needs.
In Binah’s words: I am thankful for meeting new and old friends. Often it’s hard to make friends in a new community, and I was fortunate enough to connect with old friends who have led me to new friends. JF&CS’s special needs program is all about building new friendships. Given that I’m so thankful for making new friends so quickly after arriving to Philly, I couldn’t be more excited about working there!”
Community Fellow: Alaina Bernstein
Location: Pittsburgh
Working/Serving: with JF&CS on refugee resettlement and creating an urban garden for a food pantry.
In Alaina’s words: “I am feeling grateful for the people that I have in my life – from my new roommates to my best friends, and most of all to my family for supporting me through this crazy year I am embarking on. I think that refugee resettlement relates directly to what I’m grateful for. Through the organization, I am helping families who have the support of each other and are receiving wonderful help from people like myself throughout their new life in Pittsburgh.
Community Fellow: Michael Evers
Location: Detroit
Working/Serving: with a variety of projects including the Bagley Book Brigade, helping out in their after school reading program. He also works with students from Michigan State University through an organization called Destination Detroit.
In Michael’s words: “This month I feel grateful for the proximity of my family. I just came back to the United States from abroad and after being away from my parent’s for so long it’s nice to have them close by in Ohio. The car ride is only a few short hours from Detroit and better yet, my father’s work frequently brings him to Michigan, so I get to see him in The D when he’s around.”