Serving Through Nature
N.E.W. L.E.A.F. Detroit is an environmental organization that provides opportunities for Black and Indigenous People of Color to learn about ecology, sustainability, food systems, and food justice in ways that are accessible to those who are economically distressed or living in under-served communities. Its partnership with Repair the World amplifies its efforts to strengthen the local community, increase a sense of togetherness, and work towards a greater good.
“I’m not Jewish, but the connection to Repair has been so great because I’ve been able to learn about Jewish history and heritage, and I found it to be very intuitive with nature and a lot of the values that I hold,” says L’Oreal Hawkes Williams (she/her), Founder of N.E.W. L.E.A.F. “It’s been so eye-opening and touching to see that that’s the root of the religion. The service experiences always end with learning about the connection to Jewish traditions and the earth. I really appreciate that.”
The partnership has helped N.E.W. L.E.A.F pursue its mission through recruiting volunteers and provided a sense of optimism for L’Oreal. The organization is at an exciting point in its development; it currently leases an urban farm space and soon will be purchasing its own.
I've learned that you have to give from the heart. You have to do what you're called to do, where you're called to do it. People make the most impact when they feel really driven to do certain work. The Repair volunteers are a constant reminder that there are good people out there who feel this same way.
L’Oreal Hawkes Williams
Founder, N.E.W. L.E.A.F.
“The Repair Farm Crew is made up of just beautiful people that come out and want to help and they don’t ask for anything in return,” L’Oreal adds. “They set a good example and, as a small organization, having this team of people behind us has been so impactful.”
L’Oreal says that the partnership with Repair has helped them engage more people and connect with more parts of the community. “Managing a farm, trying to bring in new people who haven’t ever experienced this type of opportunity, is very time intensive,” she adds. “But Repair has helped bring things to fruition by expanding our connections and collaborations in the community.”
The partnership has been an important learning experience for L’Oreal as well. She reflects on the very positive, personal influence of the Repair Farm Crew and her continued inspiration to serve in this way. “I’ve learned that you have to give from the heart. You have to do what you’re called to do, where you’re called to do it. People make the most impact when they feel really driven to do certain work. The Repair volunteers are a constant reminder that there are good people out there who feel this same way.”
N.E.W. L.E.A.F. Detroit is an environmental organization that provides opportunities for Black and Indigenous People of Color to learn about ecology, sustainability, food systems and food justice in ways that are accessible to those who are economically distressed or living in under-served communities. We also assist in adapting to a more eco-friendly lifestyle.
N.E.W. L.E.A.F. Detroit is a nonprofit service partner of Repair the World Detroit, where Repair the World Detroit recruits volunteers, such as the Repair Farm Crew, to build capacity for N.E.W. L.E.A.F. Detroit.