Working Toward Food Access For All

Rebecca (she/her)
As a Repair the World volunteer with a at the Sheridan Avenue Orchard, Rebecca wanted to work with her hands, and make a difference in her community.
“One of the things that I found impactful was the transformative quality of the work we were doing,” says Rebecca. “There was just something particularly satisfying about being able to work with your hands to transform this piece of land and do something that’s not only producing food, but also serving as a vital food access resource for so many in the community. Within hours of serving – you can tell you made a difference.”
Rebecca’s inspiration deepened as she began to learn how her Jewish values connected to her service work. Over time, she understood the powerful connection between Judaism, service, and caring for the earth. “I love the idea of Jewish values connecting to environmental values. Through my work with Repair, I was able to reconnect with some of those Jewish values that I had grown up with but had not had as much of a connection two as an adult. And now, at this stage of life, I can lean on these values and bring my passion for environmental and social justice to my volunteer experience as well.”
Rebecca found it especially meaningful to experience fresh food getting into the hands of community members while serving at the community garden. “It was really amazing to go through this entire process from start to finish, growing fresh produce, picking them, and ensuring that community members had access to this food.”
Throughout the months of COVID-19 lockdowns, Rebecca realized she wanted more interaction and engagement with her community. “We were home for a year witnessing communities being ravaged by the effects of the pandemic, and I wanted to find ways of combating that. I found Repair at that time, but I know that my call to serve goes way beyond any specific moment.”
Her work with Repair inspired Rebecca to seek additional service opportunities, recognizing that all service is rewarding and impactful. “I can make a difference in my community, even if I only have a few extra hours a week to dedicate my time to serving others, and that’s something real and meaningful to me.”