Aug. 24, 2018
Flying into the 21st Century
This article originally appeared on eJewish Philanthropy on August 24, 2018.
By Eric M. Robbins
In a recent article, Talk is Cheap, several challenges facing Federations today are brought to the forefront. These include operating inefficiencies, partisanship, shifting giving trends and affiliation rates – just to name a few. The author correctly identified all of these challenges, and further pointed out that they have been building up over years, but he makes one critical omission: Federations across North America are changing to meet these challenges and they are finding unique ways to support the communities they serve. Just look at Atlanta. We have spent the last year in Atlanta rallying the community to tackle these exact issues.
Our social service agencies have come together to launch AgeWell Atlanta as a centralized resource to address the needs of our aging population and their caregivers. Our first-ever VP of Innovation has opened new co-working spaces and is actively mentoring over twenty community prototypes. In line with Greenwald’s emphasis on the need to embrace social justice as a core value, we secured the funding to bring Repair the World to Atlanta so that we have the infrastructure to enable our NexGen Jews to really engage in this space.