In the News

Apr. 18, 2023

Jewish Values in Action: 6 Inspiring Stories of Service and Volunteerism

This article first appeared in on April 17, 2023.

A Repair the World Los Angeles Senior Program Associate and and additional volunteers package food donations for those in need.

Repair the World Los Angeles staff and volunteers pack food donations for those in need.

More than half of young Jews say working toward justice and equality is an essential part of their Jewish identity. Organizations are responding by making service a defining element of Jewish life.

OLAMJDC Entwine and Repair the World, three grantees in Schusterman’s U.S. Jewish Grantmaking portfolio, offer young people opportunities to engage in service and connect with Jewish values such as justice (tzedek), treating people with dignity and respect (derekh eretz) and repairing the world (tikkun olam). In turn, these organizations are ensuring Judaism remains vibrant and relevant for generations to come.

Over half of Repair the World’s service partners engage increasing numbers of Jewish young adult volunteers because of working with Repair. Not only that, but 95% of volunteers with Repair report that serving through the organization gives them a sense of purpose.

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