Apr. 18, 2023
Repair the World FY23 & 24 Equity Commitments
As part of Repair the World’s commitment to racial justice and our organizational value of justice – tzedek, Repair the World is committed to continuing to invest in a framework and infrastructure that will generate more explicit commitments this year. For 2022-2024, Repair the World will focus on three key areas, Volunteers, Staff and the Board of Directors.
We are committed to integrating equity and inclusion components as part of our organization-wide goal setting process. In that effort, each department/team set FY23 goals that incorporate equity and inclusion commitments. Outlined below are a highlight of current FY23/FY24 commitments that will be an organization-wide focus:
- Increase Economic Access Fund to $150k for FY23 to support fellows, corps members, and staff impacted by injustice.
- Incorporate equity in Jewish Educational strategy (i.e. content, training, etc.).
- Review recruitment materials and recruitment platforms bi-annually through an equity filter to ensure a diverse fellow and service corps candidate pool
- Offer career mapping for Repair staff who identify as People of Color.
- Solidify DEI training for onboarding and regular intervals, codify Repair’s approach to equity and inclusion, including creating a process for addressing harm and provide diversity, equity, and inclusion learning opportunities through monthly community conversations and staff trainings (i.e. psychological safety training, manager training, & expanded DEI work).
- Create/sustain and support three staff affinity groups (suggested: Rainbow Repair, JOC/POC, Disabilities).
- Staff recruitment, hiring, & onboarding:
- Collect and analyze hiring demographic data to better understand the diversity of current candidate pools;
- Review and revise our recruitment systems, and hiring protocols to ensure a more diverse staff candidate pool. Refine the onboarding process of new staff to ensure that each person feels included, valued and supported and receives an introduction to Repair’s approach to diversity.
- Create four new templates, checklists, and frameworks to guide staff in making more accessible and inclusive choices. The IRJWG and DLT will consult on which four to prioritize (examples include external communication, internal communication, virtual and in-person events/programming, and purchasing decisions).
Board of Directors:
- Expand and diversify the ecosystem of potential board members.
- Enhance processes, systems, and connections to map, recruit, and strengthen pathways to lay leadership with Repair, including local advisory councils.
- Ensure ongoing DEI training and education plans for new and existing board members.